In Carpet Cleaning

Both physical and psychological gratification comes from vacuuming your floors. You’re being productive and making your home appear fresh and clean while removing thousands of tiny microbes that are scattering around. There’s no doubt that vacuuming at least once a week is good for your health and your home.

However, vacuuming cannot be the only step you take in cleaning your floors.  Aside from deep accumulation of dander, pet hair and dust mites, there are three very important reasons to take your floor cleaning to the next level.

Vacuuming Only Cleans the Surface

Even the most expensive vacuum cleaner with all the bells and whistles can leave behind bacteria, allergens and even dead skin cells. At Spotless Carpet Cleaners, we use top of the line, professional grade products that clean and scrub far below the surface to eliminate contaminants. If you walk outside in the rain, you will likely track in dirt and water. Vacuuming will pick up the dirt debris, but the water will seep into the fibers, eventually causing smells, stains and even mold.

Vacuuming Does Not Remove Stains and Odors

If your carpet has a stain, you have particles trapped. If you have particles trapped, you’ll soon have a lingering, funky smell. Vacuuming will not remove odors; it just puts a mask on the smell. Homeowners with pets know first-hand that pet urine and feces are not easily removed, and a sour odor doesn’t take long to form. Our deep carpet cleaning services eliminate odors on the spot, right at the source. We offer a patented formula to our customers that guarantee we can treat even the toughest stains and odors.

Mold Cannot be Removed with Vacuuming

Mold and mold spores are microscopic, meaning it can grow into the smallest spaces in all surfaces. On hard surfaces like metal, mold can easily be scrubbed with a cleaning solution. On soft surfaces like carpet, scrubbing will not eliminate the problem. Removing mold from carpet is a time-consuming, dirty job that requires special equipment and chemicals.

Call Professional Carpet Cleaners

Regular and thorough vacuuming in your home is a must. While vacuuming cannot completely sanitize carpet fibers, it’s a great first step to keeping your home safe and clean. To ensure you’re getting the best lifespan of your flooring, continue your routine maintenance by having professional carpet cleaners come to your home every 6 to 18 months.

If your carpet is looking a little shabby or producing an unpleasant odor, contact us for professional and quick carpet cleaning service.